qualification of tutors
The tutor training courses offered by the Center for Higher Education Didactics at the University of Cologne are aimed at student employees (SHK / WHK) at the University of Cologne who are interested in higher education didactics.
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Looking for professionalisation and qualification for tutors? This way please!
At the University of Cologne, tutors play an important role in shaping and supporting the students’ learning processes. They contribute to the development of learning-related competences, support the students’ scientific autonomy and provide assistance to the students at different stages of the learning process, especially helping with learning difficulties.
Supporting tutors by offering qualifications that are adjusted to their manifold tasks, is a special concern of the ZHD.
The workshops on the basics of teaching and learning, moderation and group dynamics, teach them to learn and develop methodical tools for a successful design and implementation of their tutorials. In addition, the tutors themselves benefit through an increase in self, social, and methodological skills, which are useful for their further personal and professional development.
The tutor qualification consists of three different modules. Depending on your interest, needs and time budget, you can either complete the entire programme or attend individual events. The active participation of the tutors in the upgraded training course is attested by means of a certificate and significantly enhances the tutor's activity, for example for a later application.
The "Rheinländisches Verbundzertifikat"
The ZHD is involved with many other universities in the "Rheinländisches Verbundszertifikatsprogramm zur hochschuldidaktischen Qualifizierung von Tutor*innen". The Verbundszertifikatsprogramm offers participants the opportunity to acquire relevant key skills for their studies and work and to have a successful completion of the program certified.Further information can be found here: tutorenqualifizierung-rheinland.de