Cooperative case counselling

Conflicts and difficult situations in teaching - do not exist! Or do they?
In addition to the individualised guidance of teachers, the ZHD‘s method of cooperative case counselling provides a vivid opportunity to reflect on specific practical problems of everyday life at university within a group and to develop solutions together.
By using this clearly pre-structured method, conflicting situations, which for example express typical group-dynamic processes in the course of the study or reflect students‘ lack of motivation on the part of the student; collective solutions can be developed with the other teachers.
The workshops‘ participants will have the opportunity to visualize problems and challenges within their own teaching, to address them and thereupon develop solutions in a protected space with the help of the other participants. In doing so, they will be both advice seekers and consultants. This change of perspective enables the acquisition of methods and consulting expertise. The workshop’s number of participants is limited to a maximum of 8 people and benefits greatly from an interdisciplinary approach that allows us to tackle old problems with new solutions from a completely different point of view.